Sunday, March 13, 2016

Day 5 -- A Lost Hour and a High Blood Pressure Day

Well folks, I woke up this morning feeling pretty good -- the soreness has mostly gone, I'm already sleeping better with my diet changes, but I just keep feeling like something's missing, something is gone, something...Hey, I lost an hour!

Guess everyone else did as well. Most people complain about losing an hour of sleep. Me? I forgot to set my alarm, so I lost an hour of the day by sleeping later. Well, actually, I didn't sleep later, it's just that the clock changed to make it seem like I slept an hour later.

Oh well.

Now for the high blood-pressure day: I'm doing our taxes today. I least I promised my wife I would, so I suspect the next week will be rather unpleasant for me of I renege on that one. There's nothing inherently stressful in the information -- I know how much we made, how much we paid in taxes, and so forth, so there will be no surprises. I just hate doing them. Dread doing them. I hate having to go from one form to another, from one instruction book to another, back and forth. I think when the tax code was written, the instructions given to those who did the drafting went something like this: We want you to make this as confusing, as non-nonsensical, as inefficient as possible.

And if that's true, the people who drafted, and continually update, the tax code have been wildly successful.

Anyway, that's what's up for today. I'll be back later to update you on eating and cardio and all that good stuff for the day.


  1. I am getting ready to go to the botetourt athletic club for an inbody session. You should check around your area and see if anyone has one. I'm told it will "dissect" your body. It's suppose to tell you what you weigh and of that how much is fat, muscle, water weight etc. I'll let you know how it goes. Should be interesting.

    1. I'll be interested to see what you find out. The scale we have is one of those that's supposed to give you body fat percentage and water weight percentage. you have to stand on it barefoot, and it's supposed to send this little electrical pulse up through one foot and back out of your body through the other foot to get the measurements. I don't know how accurate that is, other than it says I'm really FAT. I already knew that before stepping on the scales.

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