Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Month 2, Day 2...Dragging a bit today

Been a tad under the weather today, starting with this splitting headache that woke me up around 3 this morning. Several more times after that I woke, and each time I decided I just wouldn't be able to do the morning cardio whenever that alarm clock sounded.

But, I'm happy to say, when that irritating little beeper sounded, I rolled out of bed, headed down to the gym and did the work! I rode for 50 minutes, and strangely enough, those are the only 50 minutes today my head hasn't hurt. Too bad my legs and lungs didn't have another 12 hours of pumping power left in them.

I've felt pretty bad all day -- don't know if I'm getting something or not, though given that most everyone else in the house has been sick I probably am -- and I didn't really feel like eating. In fact, I actually missed a meal, so I'm off a bit on the calories today. But, if that's the worst thing I do these 30 days, I'll be happy.

Not a lot to talk about today -- just slogging through -- though I did find the missing sweet potatoes! I did have a momentary temptation when I arrived home tonight, a little hungry already from missing a meal, and found a big pot of what looked like a cross between a delicious Mexican casserole and baked spaghetti. It looked and smelled wonderful. Now, under my old eating plan, I could have had just a little taste or two and still fit it under my calorie limit for the day. But, since I've sworn to eat clean every day for 30 days ... NOPE! Didn't even lean over too much to smell it for fear microscopic food particles might sneak inside me.

 Here's how my day went nutritionally and exerciselly (and yes, that is now a word);

Workout -- Cardio
Stationary bike
50 minutes, 40 on level 5, rest on level 10
17 miles
550 calories


Coffee (that's homemade coffee with just a bit of artificial sweetener and 2 ounces skim milk)
Eggs -- 1 whole, 2 white
Oatmeal -- 1 cup cooked

Lean pork -- 6 ounces
Brown rice -- 2/3 cup cook
Veggies -- 1/2 cup

Salad -- lettuce, 4 olives, 2.3 ounces chicken breast

Baked Tilapia -- 5 ounces
Sweat potato -- 6.25 ounces

Half a protein bar

Total for the day
1,074 calories
25 grams fat
136 grams protein

Water -- 80 ounces
Diet soda 48 ounces (yeah, I know, I know...but it was a long day, with a headache...)

Wow, I had no idea I was that low on calories or protein until I sat here and added it all up. I guess missing that meal really does hurt. Need to be better about sticking to the eating schedule.

Thanks for stopping by. Comments? Questions? Leave them in the comment section and I'll respond. Thanks!

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